Welcome to my healing practice.
I am grateful for a vast and colourful life experience. I am driven by a deep fascination with life’s mystical journey. I am a qualified yoga teacher, student of Yogic, Buddhist and all authentic mystical sciences, Yogic philosophy and Numerology, initiated Reiki master and a certified practitioner of a healing modality called Soul Realignment®.
My journey is blessed and unconventional. I have a profound passion to penetrate the mystery of this magical human experience. Sharing this is a calling and a privilege.
Having completed conventional studies early in adult life, such as business and branding, they soon took a back seat. For over 25 years, my bread has been earned as a professional voice artiste/actor and TV and radio presenter. It has been rewarding, sustaining, loads of fun and a challenge. A successful freelance life has provided the freedom to pursue a non-linear journey. Continuing on the creative, I am also a former international promoter and manager of African Jazz music.
The call to travel to exotic and fascinating places, on and off this beautiful planet, always whispers in my ear. My life’s adventure encompasses a multitude of blessed, enriching and exciting escapades, faithfully stepping into the unknown. I have experienced the wealth of many cultures, especially eastern, but western too . A joyous expansion, which continues to this day.
Anything Space related ignites my inner rocket ship! Science, cosmology, physics, quantum physics and numerology have long been an integral, inspiring part of my spiritual journey in this miraculous “reality”. These have inspired my developing theory of MetaConvergence© – the convergence of science, mysticism and technology – which I share with clients in order to help develop an understanding of “reality”, “The Big Picture”.
I have spent many blessed years in training and study with Awakened Spiritual Masters. The sublime, profoundly enlightened wisdom of The Drikung Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism is a focal point. Authentic mystical knowledge from any traditions, especially ancient Yogic, continue to be passionately embraced.
Soul Offering has become my main work focus – my intention, in deep gratitude, is to assist in the healing and upliftment of the lives of whomever chooses to connect, to engage and to remember your Divinity. I offer interpretation and extensive, direct experience of the Great Mystical, Scientific and Artistic Traditions throughout human history, and beyond. I have witnessed profound transformation in the lives of many clients in my healing practice.
I deeply honour the immense effort, courage, compassion, one-pointedness, joy, wisdom and transcendence of all The Awakened Ones. Their Loving Grace expands our consciousness inward. We are lifted by those who have found and Live Universal Truth. The great scientists and artists too, continue to propel our human journey forward. They not only bring joy and shine Light on Truth, but are a part of our collective Awakening.
May all who visit this site be always blessed with Loving Light, Truth and Self-empowerment, for the highest good and the good of all.